One Person Can Change the World!
Each person is born with a God-given destiny and God has created all mankind to know Him, represent Him, reign in life and lead others to do the same. Ps Charles will share four practical ways that God can use you to change your world.
Ps Charles McCaul is an American Missionary and had served as a pastor and associate pastor for 14 years in the USA. Even though the country was devasted and a war was still going on, the McCaul family responded to God's call that Cambodia was ripe for the harvest in 1995. Their focus was always to build a strong, New Testament Church in Phnom Penh that would have a positive influence in every sphere of Cambodian society and which would plant churches with the same foundation and philosophy in every province in Cambodia, sending Cambodians as missionaries to other nations. He is currently Campus Pastor of New Life Fellowship in North Phnom Penh and founder and director of the Cambodian Leadership Institute. He is a spiritual father and mentor to hundreds of others but primarily focuses on helping to plant more city churches in Cambodia.