Walking with God
The Bible says that Enoch walked with God and he was not. What does it really mean to walk with God? What are the requirements and...

The True Measure of a Man
DR JERRY HORNER was a university professor and administrator for more than 45 years. He has served as president of Bethesda Christian...

Resurrection Sunday - Purposefully Raised
This message was recorded at our Resurrection Sunday Service on 16 April 2017.

Good Friday - Remembering the Finished Work of the Cross
This message was recorded at our Good Friday Service on 14 April 2017.

Maundy Thursday - Obedience Triumphs over Sacrifice
This message was recorded at our Maundy Thursday Service on 13 April 2017.

Palm Sunday - The Coming Return of the King
This message was recorded at our Palm Sunday Service on 9 April 2017.

Praying With My Spirit
Ps David shared how we pray with our spirit, when we should we pray with our spirit and the spiritual purpose and benefits of praying...