The Christmas Angels
Dr Khoo Hin Hiong has served in Christian ministry for 35 years. He and his wife, Marguerite, founded ICM Plus (formerly known as...

Called to be Different
This message was recorded at our Worship Service on Sunday, 17 June 2018. Rev Ken Harrison and his wife, Raewyn, are Senior Pastors of...

Go Deep
This message was recorded at our Worship Service on Sunday, 10 June 2018. Ps John ministers internationally in many nations seeing many...

The Now Worship... In Spirit & In Truth
There is the working of the Holy Spirit to bring us into the Destiny that God has for us as a Body and as Individuals. Let us learn how...

The Hour Cometh... And Is Now!
How to discern the signs of the Times and also understanding the Time of the fulfilment of the signs. It is about how Worship draws us...

Living Heaven to Earth
The Lord declares Days of Heaven on earth (Deut 11:21)! The ultimate promise of God was to send the Holy Spirit thereby allowing us to...

Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship (Part 3)
This message was recorded at our Worship Service on Sunday 6 May 2018.

Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship (Part 2)
This message was recorded at our Worship Service on Sunday 29 April 2018.

The Power of Covenant and Covenant Faith
Ps David Holdaway has been a minister with the Elim Pentecostal Church in UK since 1982. He and his wife, Jan, have pastored churches in...

Chained to the Chariot
Dr Jerry Horner is a prolific preacher and teacher and his international ministry takes him to many churches, conferences and conventions...