Saved. To What?
Often we do not understand what we are saved to. We think that it is for eternity when we go to heaven. Scripture reminds us that heaven...

Messianic Prophecies
Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies is a clear indication and display of His divinity and love for all humanity. His feats...

Touch Jesus, He Heals! January 2018
This message was recorded at our Touch Jesus, He Heals! Service on Saturday, 20 January 2018.

Saved. From what?
Too often we don’t know what we are saved from. We just think that we are saved to be blessed and to live a good life as well as to die...

Expectations in 2018
Has 2017 been a year of joy and hope or has it been one of pain, sorrow and tears? Regardless what it may be, the past carries lessons...