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If I had to say in a few words how the Covenant Vision Ministry was started, truly the words that would capture the spirit of it all

would be:


Busy for God, and yet disobedient,

Suffered the consequences, but was refined in the furnace,

Learnt obedience in the affliction, and out of the seasons of fire,

The Covenant Vision of God was revealed,

The essence of it all,



Yes, this ministry was birthed out like Jabez of the Bible, in pain, in sorrows and with a price! It all goes back to the night of March 11, 1992. I had been on my knees for hours, hungering and thirsting for the Lord. All of a sudden, I was caught up in the spirit. It was my first and the only time so far, that I heard and was immersed by the loud and audible voice of God. It was revealed to me then, my full-time calling with the words:


“If you will be obedient and faithful, your voice will be heard over radio, your face will be seen on television, you will preach not only to hundreds, but to thousands, ten thousands, a hundred thousand even! If you will be obedient and faithful.”


Since then, more than ten different men and women of God have prophesied over me, confirming part by part, all that God had said to me that night. The reality was that I listened to all that was said, but I failed to hear. I was busy for Him, yet I failed to do what He wanted of me. I suffered the consequences of disobedience and there was no Glory for Him in my life.


In May 1998, the reality of it all was driven home to me. In June 1998, finally out of obedience, the vision for Covenant Vision Ministry was laid. On July 1, 1998, Covenant Vision Centre was established as a teaching, equipping and training centre.


The first vision for a ministry of evangelism, preaching the Gospel, the Lord working with me, confirming the preaching of the Word with signs following was given. Out of this, TOUCH JESUS, HE HEALS! Ministry was birthed out.


In November 1998, the Lord enlarged the vision, showing me that the ministry would grow into one that would carry even the Indoor Stadium. The Word, “this vision will be greater than even yourself, but not greater than I the Lord your God, for I have said it, I will do it!” was established in my heart.


The Lord started to expand my vision, teaching me that my calling as an Evangelist is not only to preach the Gospel but to raise up, equip, impart and release the Body of Christ to do the work of the Kingdom of God, and to build up the saints to conform to the image of Jesus Christ.


Over the next few months, the foundations (five stones) for the pillars of action for Covenant Vision Ministry were formalised.


In late 1999, God has released the vision to take the work of the Ministry to the nations. On August 2000, the Covenant Vision Ministry had its first major overseas crusade in India. Since then, we have never looked back, and the work of the ministry has also been extended to Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand and Mauritius.




Founder - Rev Dr Francis Khoo

Born into a family of pastors, Rev Dr Francis Khoo was a lawyer and a successful businessman but also a backslidden Christian.  He walked away from God and was involved in fortune-telling, idolatry and the occult.  With a personal encounter with God in 1990, his life was transformed (Listen to Rev Dr Francis’ testimony at our Media Portal). Filled with the Holy Spirit, Rev Dr Francis began ministering the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.


It was in May 1998, when he was given the Word that he was disobedient. As he sought the Lord, it was revealed to him that although he had been busy for God, busy in church leadership and church ministries for the past 6 over years, he had been disobedient.


He had not responded to the Word that God had given him on the night of 11 March 1992.



A Word from God that had been confirmed by prophetic words spoken by more than 10 different men and women of God over his wife, Shirley, and himself. The Word released was to serve God in full-time ministry with the promise that “If you will be obedient and faithful, your voice will be heard on radio, your face will be seen on television, you will preach not to tens, but to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, a hundred thousand even. If you will be faithful and obedient.”


A revelation and a deep conviction led him into a time of repentance and an intense seeking for God through times of prayer and fasting. Out of this birthed the Covenant Vision Ministry and saw the establishing of Covenant Vision Centre on 1st July 1998. As the desire to understand the fullness of the calling God intended for his life and the ministry intensified, God began to reveal to him a multifaceted role for his calling, in that he was to be a Preaching, Teaching, Pastoring, Prophetic and Missions Evangelist.


It was then, in 1998, that Rev Dr Francis made a commitment to serve God full-time. God had also proven to be more than faithful! Since then, Rev Francis and Ps Shirley have been ministering as a husband and wife team, emphasising the importance of building a godly and positive family environment as a foundation for God’s blessings.


Apart from teaching and preaching regularly at the Covenant Vision Christian Church services and at the Touch Jesus, He Heals! Healing Services, Rev Francis remains a sought after speaker locally and Internationally while continuing to lead many into the Kingdom of God. 


Personal Life

Rev Dr Francis is happily married to Ps Shirley Khoo, who supports his calling and is the Administrator of Covenant Vision Christian Church and Covenant Vision Centre. She is also the Senior Vice President of Covenant Vision Ministry. They have three children and four grandchildren.

Ps Shirley Khoo

Ps Shirley was a successful entrepreneur running her own business before co-founding Covenant Vision Ministry with her husband Rev Francis Khoo in 1998. Since then, she has been the Administrator of, and has overseen the operations of Covenant Vision Centre Singapore.


She has a heart for women, especially those who are caught in crisis and heads the Proverbs 31 Women's Ministry. She also coordinates the logistics for ministry teams going overseas and is herself an active member of the overseas ministry.

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